Science and Tech


Popular Tweets Mysteriously Go Missing

Some of the most popular tweets on Twitter simply disappeared Tuesday.

Some of the most popular tweets on Twitter simply disappeared Tuesday.

One of those tweets includes Ellen DeGeneres' Oscar selfie that got more than 3 million retweets — breaking a record. (Via WCAU)

Links to that tweet and many others have reportedly led users to this error message rather than the actual tweets. (Via WDIV)

CNBC reports it even had one of its own breaking news tweets go missing.

And according to Time, this is just more bad news for the popular social media site. On top of the disappearing tweets, Twitter has also experienced two outages this month — one of them happened shortly after Ellen sent out her Oscar selfie.

So why did the tweets disappear? Right now, Twitter doesn't have an answer to that question.

But the site says it is investigating. It says it's looking at a bug that might be causing the vanishing tweets. CNET reports tweets also disappeared from accounts including the Daily Mail and Lady Gaga. Even Cory Monteith's last tweet he sent out before he died last summer reportedly went missing.

So far, it's not clear when or even if the missing tweets will be recovered.