Science and Tech


Prostate Cancer In The Family Increases Breast Cancer Risk

New research shows women with a family history of prostate cancer are more likely to develop breast cancer.

Researchers have come up with another risk factor for breast cancer — family members with prostate cancer. (Video via KSHB

A group of U.S. researchers looked at data collected on 78,000 women between 1993 and 1998. By 2009, 3,506 of those women had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Using that data, the researchers determined women whose father, brother or son had prostate cancer were 14 percent more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer after age 50.

What's more, the risk for women with history of both cancers in the family jumped by 78 percent.  

The findings could change how doctors go about diagnosing breast cancer, which currently affects 1 in 8 women in the U.S. (Video via KSHB

The researchers recommend doctors ask for a complete family history and don't overlook any of the patient's close male relatives.  

There is at least one potential issue with the study. As Medical News Today points out, the researchers relied on self-reported family histories, which aren't always accurate.

This video includes music from Chris Zabriskie / CC BY 4.0