Science and Tech


Selfies Causing Rise In Plastic Surgery

Selfies — self-absorbed snapshots, or stimuli for surgery?

In 2013, the word of the year was "selfie." 2014 might just see the downfall of the selfie.

Already, a popular song devoted to seemingly making fun of the self-taken photos, and something else is gaining in popularity too: plastic surgery.

According to a new study from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, facial plastic surgeons say more people are asking for procedures because social media is making them more aware of how they look.

The organization's president cites "Instagram, Snapchat the iPhone app, which are solely image based." He says they're making people look at themselves "with a more self-critical eye than ever before." And people are getting facial plastic surgery younger and younger. More than half of the surveyed surgeons saw an increase in surgery and injectables in people younger than age 30 in 2013.

By the numbers — 10 percent of surveyed surgeons saw an increase in rhinoplasties, aka nose jobs, from 2012 to 2013. Seven percent saw an increase in hair transplants, 6 percent — an increase in eyelid surgery.

This news comes on the heels of a wave of articles analyzing the psychology of selfies... (ViaMashable)

And in February, the Department of Mental Health in Thailand — a country where social media is extremely popular — warned young people selfies could lead to mental health problems and self-confidence issues.

The department's deputy director-general said, "​​If they feel they don't get enough likes for their selfie as expected ... [they can] have a negative attitude toward themselves, such as feeling dissatisfied with themselves or their body." (Via Bangkok Post)

In short, maybe don't let your friend take a selfie.