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Twitter, Facebook Lock President Trump's Accounts

Twitter has imposed a 12-hour suspension to be lifted when the president deletes three posts, and Facebook has locked his account for 24 hours.

Twitter and Facebook locked President Trump's accounts Wednesday following unrest at the U.S. Capitol. 

Twitter said the president's three most recent posts violated its Civic Integrity policy repeatedly. His account will remain locked until he removes the posts. 

One of the posts was his video address to the nation in which he called for peace and then told the protesters they are "very special" and "loved." In another, President Trump told his supporters: "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"

Facebook said it locked President Trump's account for similar reasons. It cited two policy violations and said his account will be under a 24-hour feature block, during which he will not be able to post.