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Twitter Suspends 1.2M Accounts For Promoting Terrorist Content

The company says between August 2015 and December 2017, it suspended over 1 million accounts for "violations related to the promotion of terrorism."

Twitter says it's shut down more than a million accounts for terrorism-related content.

The company says in a blog post that between Aug. 1, 2015, and Dec. 31, 2017, it permanently suspended over 1.2 million accounts for "violations related to the promotion of terrorism."

The post read, in part, "We continue to see the positive, significant impact of years of hard work making our site an undesirable place for those seeking to promote terrorism."

Twitter and other social media giants have been working to eliminate terrorist content from their platforms.

In 2016, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft and YouTube said they would create a shared database of what they've flagged in order to identify offending content more efficiently.

Twitter says over 90 percent of the accounts it suspended for terrorism content were spotted by its own technology. And 74 percent of those accounts were blocked before they could post a tweet.