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The Unofficial Solar Eclipse Theme Song Has An Interesting Origin

Bonnie Tyler will be singing her classic "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on a cruise ship the very moment of the Aug. 21 solar eclipse.

Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" from the 1980s is getting new love thanks to the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse.

Tyler will perform the song live Monday aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise just as the moon crosses the sun's path. 

But the song doesn't mean what you might think. It's actually about ... vampires.

More specifically, vampires in love. Before the song's title changed to "Total Eclipse of the Heart," it was called "Vampires in Love."

Back in 2002, the man who wrote the song told Playbill, "If anyone listens to the lyrics, they're really like vampire lines. It's all about the darkness, the power of darkness and love's place in dark."

Luckily, the cruise ship where Tyler will perform should have a complete view of the eclipse when she hits the chorus — so that whole darkness theme still totally works.