Science and Tech


Trump Unveils Plans To Make The US A Leader In 5G Technology

Trump directed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to work with with federal agencies and policymakers to craft a "National Spectrum Strategy."

President Donald Trump wants to make the U.S. a global leader in 5G wireless technology.   He signed a presidential memorandum Thursday ordering the federal government to create a "National Spectrum Strategy."

According to a statement from the White House, Trump directed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to work with with federal agencies and policymakers to craft that strategy.

The statement says the plan will "position the United States to lead in next generation wireless networks for years to come" and will benefit the economy and national security.

As CNET notes, 5G technology is considered to be one of the key building blocks for things like self-driving cars and virtual reality streaming. The outlet says companies are expected to start rolling out 5G networks later this year.