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Twitter Announces Media-Focused Profile Redesign

Twitter has announced its long-rumored, media-focused profile redesign. Many claim the update borrows heavily from Facebook.

​Twitter is finally taking the wraps off its online profile redesign.

The company is promoting the new look as a way to express yourself, writing: "Moment by moment, your Twitter profile shows the world who you are." (via Twitter)

Twitter has pushed out the updated profile to several well known Twitter accounts, including Scandal star Kerry Washington. Washington’s profile shows off some of the features: A larger profile picture and header image; best tweets, which are chosen based on engagement (these tweets will appear larger in your timeline); and pinned tweets, which you’ll choose to pin to the top of your timeline for others to see.

Twitter says you’ll be able to filter others’ timelines in three ways: tweets, tweets with photos and videos, and tweets and replies.

FLOTUS also got the early update. Scrolling through the timeline shows just how much focus will be placed on photos and other media going forward.

Does the redesign remind you of anything? Many claim it bares a striking resemblance to another popular social network.

Though a writer for Mashable finds atleast one difference: "On Twitter's user profiles, photos are placed below your followers, and Facebook has it the other way around."

I mean, that’s something, right?

​A Facebook-inspired design isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but we’re still not sure how to feel about a change TechCrunch points out: "you lose the ability to set a custom background image."

But remember, you do get to change the header image. New users will get the updated profile when they sign up, the rest of us will have to wait for the roll-out. Tweet us your thoughts on the redesign.