Science and Tech


Weight-Loss Surgery Seems Even More Effective For Teens

A new study says bariatric surgery in teens can reverse many obesity-related health problems.

A study from the New England Journal of Medicine found bariatric surgery for teens can drastically reduce weight-related health problems.

There were over 200 participants in the observational studybetween 13 and 19 years old with "severe obesity." Most underwent gastric bypass surgery, specifically. (Video via WebMD)

Unlike adults, researchers say adolescents could have a better chance of reversing health issues linked to diabetes with surgery. (Video via Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center)

Researchers put remission of type 2 diabetes for adults at 50 to 70 percent after gastric bypass. In the study, 95 percent of teens saw remission of the disease, and 74 percent of teens saw remission of elevated blood pressure.

While longer studies are needed to see the life-long affects of the surgery for teens, one researcher said: "If sustained, the improvements seen in weight, blood sugar, kidney function, blood pressure, and lipid levels may translate into fewer strokes, heart attacks and other disabilities later in life." (Video via Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center)

This video includes an image from the National Human Genome Research Institute