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YouTube Music Service Reportedly Delayed Again

A report in Billboard says YouTube is delaying the rollout of a planned music streaming service so it can polish and differentiate its offering.

YouTube’s planned music service is reportedly delayed once more.

Billboard says it’s not licensing or technical issues holding back a launch, but instead Google’s uncharacteristic desire to get every aspect as polished as possible before release. Its report quotes an unnamed label exec:

“They feel that there's just too much scrutiny of this product, and that they need to get it right out of the gate.”

And so the music service remains firmly set to pause: initial reports in October of last year pegged release for December or January, now three months past. (Via The Verge)

YouTube already has the licensing agreements it needs in place, likely thanks to its existing Google Play Music service.

And Softpedia says YouTube can capitalize on existing brand momentum.

“Of course, given Google’s brand and the love that people have for YouTube, chances are that the service would skyrocket to fame quite fast, despite the growing competition in this particular field.”

Some numbers show YouTube is already well on its way. A recent survey from Triton Research and Infinite Digital on media consumption habits showed YouTube was the leading engine for music discovery in the 12-24 age group. (Via Edison Research)

Pricing is another consideration, as users can already track down free music on YouTube. The trick, according to Billboard’s report, is building more value into the service with expanded features and music libraries. (Via VEVO)

9to5Google reports YouTube is planning a straight $10 monthly subscription fee, and a $5 ad-supported version.

And YouTube has yet to settle on a specific release date: it’s currently slated for the second quarter or even later.