

A-Rod Gets Reduced Suspension, Loses $25M Salary For 1 Year

The Yankees third baseman will be suspended for the entire 2014 season, which is the longest drug-related suspension in MLB history.

Major League Baseball's chief arbitrator has given Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez a reduced 162-game suspension for his suspected involvement in the Biogenesis scandal.

If it stays as-is, it will be the longest drug-related suspension in MLB history. It would keep Rodriguez from playing during any of the upcoming 2014 season. (Via Time Warner Cable News Rochester)

A-Rod was suspected of getting his hands on performance-enhancing drugs from a now-defunct Florida anti-aging clinic called Biogenesis. He, along with more than a dozen other MLB players allegedly involved, were handed tough suspensions.

The decision cuts down A-Rod's suspension by nearly 50 games after he was initially told he'd be benched for more than 200 games back in August. He appealed that suspension, which allowed him to finish out the 2013 season. But Rodriguez isn't taking even the reduced suspension sitting down.

In a statement released Saturday, Rodriguez said: "This is one man's decision, that was not put before a fair and impartial jury, [and] does not involve me having failed a single drug test." (Via Los Angeles Times)

Though back in 2009, he admitted to using PEDs between 2001 and 2003 while playing for the Texas Rangers. However, Saturday's ruling isn't related to that admission. (Via The New York Times)

It could have been a lot worse for A-Rod. Last summer, ABC reported Rodriguez was facing a possible lifetime ban from the game just days before he was handed down his initial suspension.

So what does this suspension mean for the slugger's pocketbook? The Star-Ledger says he won't get paid the $25 million he was expected to make this season.

But the New York Daily News reports the Yankees have to pay A-Rod $3 million by Wednesday. It cited an unnamed who says that money is "locked up" and can't be taken away.

A-Rod says he'll appeal the case and take it to federal court. Either way, he's expected to make more than $60 million more before his 10-year contract is up in 2017.