

Barry Bonds Returns To SF Giants, Causes Media Stir

After seven years away from the game, Bonds caught attention for his weight, views on the HoF and claims he's a changed man.

After a seven year hiatus, Barry Bonds is back in a San Francisco Giants uniform. And while the reactions are mixed, he sure did grab some headlines.

Bonds is returning to the Giants as a coach for part of the team's Spring Training in Arizona. (Via KNTV

And the first thing the media noticed about him is his new look. (Via Bleacher Report)  

Yes, that's the same man who was consistently blasted during Major League Baseball's steroid era and called a juicer, walking into Giants' Spring Training looking much slimmer than his seven-years-ago self. (Via Instagram/ahmedfareed

The outspoken Barry also got some attention Monday for this comment, saying he should "without a doubt" be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Not that baseball writers necessarily agree. (ViaUSA Today

This year, his second time on the ballot, Bonds received just 198 Hall of Fame votes, or about 35 percent. That's less than half of what's needed to be inducted. (Via Sporting News

But surprisingly, the man who's had a rocky relationship with the media played nice with them Monday, saying he's a changed man. (Via ESPN)

"Same person, but just different character. Like, you have this guy over here and it's crazy and this guy over here and it's not — I'm more in the middle. I can still be crazy, but I'm a lot calmer. I've toned it down a little bit." (Via KTVU

So what does everyone think of the new Barry Bonds? Well, that still appears to be up in the air.

"I'm upset that it's just for Spring Training. I think the man should be hired full time." (Via ESPN)

"You a big Barry Bonds fan, Carina? You like him?"

"We'll return on KSEE 24 midday..." (Via KSEE

Bonds is expected to be with the Giants throughout the week and coach hitters and outfielders.