

FSU, Police May Have Hindered Winston Investigation

New reports reveal that FSU and Tallahassee might have tried to help Jameis Winston when he was accused of rape in 2012.

New reports have revealed that Florida State University and Tallahassee police might have intentionally hindered investigations into rape allegations against star quarterback and Heisman trophy-winner Jameis Winston. 

Fox Sports sifted through thousands of pages worth of legal documents, e-mails and other records. They revealed Winston's defense attorney received copies of the police report on the incident days before the county prosecuting attorney even knew about the case — stirring speculation Tallahassee police attempted to help Winston.

The police documents reportedly allowed Winston's lawyer to contact two potential witnesses in the case. Those witnesses, who are also FSU football players, then signed affidavits that align with Winston's version of events. 

A similar investigation from The New York Times led to the same conclusion: "Florida State football had cast a shadow over justice in Tallahassee."

Winston is not currently facing any criminal charges over the incident. The original investigation was dropped back in 2013. (Video via YouTube / Dustin Tackett)

But Florida State is making him face a disciplinary hearing that could potentially result in his expulsion. In a move that breaks the school's standard protocol, FSU will select people unaffiliated with the school to hear the case. 

And some are saying that Winston's best option might actually be to drop out of FSU because the cards are stacked against him.  

Michael McCann via 120 Sports"There is concern from Jameis Winston and his attorneys that this won't be a fair process. That the university is implicated in this as well and it has an incentive to ensure blame falls on Winston and not university officials."

But that same analyst wrote in Sports Illustratedthere are several downsides to dropping out as well. Some would see it an admission of guilt despite Winston never officially being found guilty of any crime. Others say leaving a college career early does not bode well for future NFL prospects and would make him seem unappealing for endorsement deals because of potentially damaged public opinion.

Winston remains on the Seminoles roster, who are undefeated so far this season.

This video includes images from Getty Images.