

Is A Hot Dog A Sandwich?

NFL players, news anchors and the rest of America are still looking for an answer to the age-old question.

Forget the chicken and the egg. We've got bigger philosophical questions.

Is a hot dog a sandwich? 

NFL players are weighing in.

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan says no.

But what about the Buffalo Bills locker room?

"I mean, it's got bread and meat. That's pretty much what I think of. Bread and meat is a sandwich," cornerback Leodis McKelvin said.

"It's got bread and meat. I feel like it's some sort of sandwich," said offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson.

"Definitely. It's definitely a sandwich," said running back Anthony "Boobie" Dixon.

"A sandwich should be horizontal, not vertical. That's like, 'Is a taco a sandwich?'" punter Jordan Gay said

"No. ... You can eat hot dogs plain though. I used to eat hot dogs cold," strong safety Bacarri Rambo said.

NBC's "Today Show" anchors?

"No, no. Not a sandwich," the group said.

"It's its own thing," NBC host Carson Daly added. 


"Categorically not. You see, you need to have two slices of bread for a sandwich," food writer Nigella Lawson said.


"There is no way a hot dog is a sandwich. It is its own category," weathercaster Al Roker chimed in.

How about Fox News

"It is not a sandwich," one Fox News anchor said.  

"Seems like a sandwich to me," Fox News' Tom Schillue rebuts. 

The hot-dog sandwich debate has sparked other mysteries:

"You cannot put ketchup on a hot dog. You cannot put pineapple on a pizza. ... Once you put pineapple on a pizza, it ceases to be a pizza," Mike Greenburg said.

ABC anchor Reena Ninan asks, "Is a wrap a sandwich?"

"That could still be considered a sandwich," ABC anchor T.J. Holmes said.


"If you take the wrap off that."

"If I take the wrap off this, then what do I have."

"Now I'm confused."

And don't even get us started on hamburger sandwiches.

We might never know the answer to the Great Hot Dog Debate.

But, in the meantime, we'll keep eating them.

This video includes images from Getty Images and kae71463 / CC BY 2.0.