

Major League Baseball Has A Shorter Season Than You Think

Professional baseball actually has the second-shortest season of all major American sports.

Take it all in, baseball fans. April 3 is Major League Baseball's opening day.

Fans are looking forward to the packed 162-game season. But if you think that's long, consider this: Professional baseball actually has the second-shortest season of all major American sports.

From a calendar perspective, football has the shortest season. Opening day to championship, the last NFL season was just 151 days. But considering the big hits we saw, we might give them a pass. 

Baseball, basketball and hockey all take considerably longer — but the MLB season is the shortest of the three. 

At 214 days, the last baseball season was 23 days shorter than the last NBA season and 36 days shorter than the NHL season.

Yes, baseball's season is a few weeks shorter than basketball and hockey, but it's packed with double the games. So props to all those players and coaches for an impressive season schedule.