

Michael Phelps Arrested On Suspicion Of DUI

Police say Michael Phelps was speeding and had a BAC double the legal limit. This is his second DUI arrest.

Michael Phelps was reportedly arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in Baltimore, Maryland, early Tuesday morning.

According to local media outlets, police say they pulled Phelps over around 1:40 a.m. local time because he was driving nearly 40 mph over the speed limit — reportedly 84 in a 45 — and crossing into the opposite lane on the interstate. 

As TMZreports, police say they gave the 29-year-old a field sobriety test, and his blood alcohol content measured nearly twice the legal limit.

A spokesperson for the Maryland Transportation Authority told ABC: "Mr. Phelps ... appeared to be under the influence. He was unable to perform satisfactorily a series of standard field sobriety tests."

Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time with 22 total medals. He also holds the record number of 18 gold medals.

Phelps has been arrested before on similar charges. In 2004 he was arrested in Maryland just months after his first Olympic run in Athens.

And in 2009, a photo surfaced of him with a marijuana pipe — resulting in the loss of his Kellogg sponsorship and a brief suspension from USA Swimming.

Phelps has been released from jail. In a statement on Twitter, he apologized and said he takes full responsibility for his actions.

This video includes images from Getty Images.