

Thabo Sefolosha Acquitted On Resisting Arrest Charges

A New York jury found NBA player Thabo Sefolosha not guilty of resisting arrest. His case stems from an April scuffle outside of a nightclub.

NBA player Thabo Sefolosha doesn't have to worry about criminal charges heading into the 2015-2016 season after a New York City jury found him not guilty Friday of resisting arrest. That decision stems from a scuffle with police back in April. 

Sefolosha was arrested outside a New York nightclub after a stabbing. During the trial, he claimed officers got physical when he tried to offer a panhandler some money. Officers testified Sefolosha ignored their orders while they investigated the stabbing. (Video via YouTube / Kris Willis

TMZ later posted a video of the Atlanta Hawks player being thrown to the ground by police officers. Sefolosha suffered a season-ending leg injury during his arrest. 

The trial was a big win for the player who rejected a lenient plea deal. The New York Times reported prosecutors offered to dismiss charges against Sefolosha if he did a day of community service and stayed out of trouble for half a year. 

NBA Players Association Executive Director Michele Roberts praised Sefolosha's decision to go to trial Friday, tweeting, "JUSTICE PREVAILS! THABO HAD THE COURAGE TO FIGHT THE CHARGES - WE ARE SO PROUD!" 

After his acquittal, Buzzfeed reporter Lindsey Adler tweeted Sefolosha is still weighing whether to file a civil suit against the city. 

Despite the injury, Sefolosha told reporters during the Atlanta Hawks media day he feels good and hopes to be ready by opening night.

This video includes images from Getty Images.