

U.S. Soccer Goalie Hope Solo Tells ABC About Recent Troubles

Hope Solo served a 30-day suspension from the U.S. women's national team after her husband was arrested on suspicion of DUI. She was in the car.

United States women's national soccer team goalie Hope Solo admits she's had a rough year. 

She was first arrested for domestic violence charges last June after a dispute with a family member. 

Then, in July, her husband was arrested for driving under the influence and she was in the passenger seat. He was driving an official car from the soccer team, and Solo, according to TMZ, was acting belligerent. 

The team suspended her for 30 days for the incident.

Solo was reinstated to the team last Saturday. In an interview aired Wednesday, the goalkeeper sat down with ABC's Robin Roberts to talk about her recent troubles:

"It was a horrible choice. ... I'm finally able to sit down and talk to somebody about what I've been going through, very traumatic events over the last year. ... I just want to be the best athlete I can be, the best person I can be, and I know I have a lot of room for improvement.

Even though all the charges were dropped in her domestic abuse case, Solo says she was a victim to her 6-foot-9-inch, 280 lb. nephew. 

In statement to ABC, the family members involved in that disputed said, "It does a disservice to domestic violence ... victims to suggest that one's physical size is a determinative of whether one is an abuser."

Solo says she hopes people can forgive her. She's now free to join the rest of the women's soccer team in Portugal for the Algarve Cup.

This video includes images from Getty Images.