

What Kind Of Athlete Will The Next President Be?

Although we knew President Barack Obama was an athletic basketball player, Bernie Sanders is also surprising many with his hoops skills.

For years, sports have been a staple of the U.S. presidency.

We knew 48-year-old President Obama had some skills.

"This could be it," President Obama said.

"This is money time. This is money time right here," CBS' Clark Kellogg said.

But how athletic are the current POTUS candidates?

"Let's see what you got," Obama joked to Kellogg.

Like Democrat Bernie Sanders.

"This is the 74-year-old Vermont senator who's getting ready to give a big victory speech. He's making some shot there," Fox News' Bret Baier said.

"Is this some sort of a joke? How's he making every single one?" Fox News' Megyn Kelly said.

While there's no footage of Hillary Clinton shooting hoops, she was active as a kid.

"I played softball, I played soccer, I played tennis," Clinton said.

On the GOP side: 

Donald Trump might own a few golf courses, but that doesn't mean he can't own the WWE stage, too.

"NFLer who would make the best politician?" a narrator for a Marco Rubio ad asked.

"Peyton Manning. He's a pretty good communicator," Rubio said.

Florida Rep. Marco Rubio isn't shy about his (albeit brief) college football career.

But let's not forget about this funny moment

Ted Cruz admits he wasn't much of an athlete as a kid.

He tries to make sports references. (But they're not always the best.)

"Tom Brady was framed, and I have it on good authority that Hillary Clinton did it," Cruz said.

Now the question remains: Who will drive the lane to the White House come November?

This video includes images from Getty Images and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum.