

Yankees Fan Walking From Tampa To NY For Charity

Retired teacher Richard Albero is walking 1,242 miles from Tampa to New York to raise money for charity and to honor his nephew.

"Here I go, guys!" Richard Albero said. 

It's definitely a new definition of the term "road trip." A Florida man is walking all the way from Tampa to New York City for charity. 

Richard Albero, a die-hard Yankees fan, began the 1,242-mile trip Monday from the team's spring training stadium in Tampa. His goal is to conclude the trip at Yankee Stadium in New York by Memorial Day. 

Albero has the whole trip planned out. WFTS says he's going to walk 15 to 20 miles every day. And he has family and friends driving ahead of him to make hotel and meal arrangements.  

He's even naming each pair of sneakers he wears after a different Yankees player. 

"Yesterday, I had on my Babe Ruth and today these are the Lou Gehrig," Albero told WFTS.

Part of the reason for the trip is to honor Albero's nephew Gary. WTSP reports Gary died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

"Gary, who was an avid Yankees fan, and him and I used to go to all the Yankees games a lot together," Albero said.

Albero's also raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project along the way. As of Wednesday morning, he's raised more than $15,000 of his $25,000 goal. 

If Albero keeps to his schedule, he will arrive at Yankee Stadium just in time to see the Bronx Bombers take on the Kansas City Royals on Memorial Day.

To see where Albero is along his route, head on over to his blog, Richard's Yankees Walk of Honor.

This video contains Getty Images.