Emergency management leaders are urging residents of the Northeast to be prepared for the first major winter storm in two years.
They say having a winter weather kit ready could alleviate many issues that could come with major storms.
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Director Randy Padfield is among those encouraging the public to get an emergency preparedness kit ready ahead of the storm.
"Have a kit at home in case you have a long-duration power outage that has shelf-stable food in it, has some water, has obviously your medications, a battery-operated flashlight, a power bank to be able to power your cellphone if you lose power," he said. "If you're traveling, make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle that has blankets, warm clothes, those types of things in case you actually are stranded out there on the roadway for an extended period of time."
Parts of the Northeast could get 6-12 inches of snow by the end of Sunday, the National Weather Service warned.

Parts of Northeast to see 1st major snowfall in 2 years
Parts of the Northeast haven't seen a significant winter storm in two years. That could change this weekend.
According to the National Weather Service,the public should have these items in place before inclement weather strikes:
- Backpack or storage tub to hold your supplies
- Bottled Water: 1 gallon per person is recommended
- Non-perishable food (If including canned foods, you must include a can opener.)
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- First aid supplies
- Bandages
- Ointment
- Disinfectant wipes
- Tissues
- Toilet paper and bags with ties for personal sanitation
- Paper and pen or pencil (to take notes, play games, etc.)
- Sleeping bag or warm blanket (recommend one for each person in your home)
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
- Personal hygiene items (travel-size deodorant, cotton swabs, feminine items, etc.)
- Whistle to signal for help
- Important documents (identification, insurance information, banking information, wills, etc.)
- Emergency reference materials such as a first aid book
- Battery-powered radio and an NOAA weather radio
- Formula and diapers (if there is an infant in the house)
- Extra pet food (if there are pets in the house)
- Dust mask or cotton T-shirt to help filter the air
- Plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place
- Cups and utensils
- A change of clothes for each person in your home (If you live in a cooler climate, make sure the clothes are warm.)
- A jacket, hat, gloves and closed-toe shoes for walking (Boots or sturdy sneakers are best.)
- Rain gear
- Cash
- Paper towels
- Fire extinguisher
- Cards or games (It is important to have something to do to take your mind off the situation for a few moments or alleviate stress if you will be in your shelter for an extended time.)