

Found In Italy's Earthquake Rubble: One Lucky Pup

A pup named Romeo was found in debris in Amatrice, one of the worst-hit areas in central Italy.
Posted at 9:36 AM, Sep 03, 2016

Firefighters rescued a golden retriever nine days after deadly earthquakes hit central Italy.

The dog, named Romeo, was found among piles of debris. Members of Vigili del Fuoco, Italy's fire and rescue service, can be seen attending to the pup after they rescued him.

SEE MORE: Rescuers Cheer As Little Girl Pulled From Rubble Of Quake In Italy

Firefighters found Romeo in Amatrice, where a lot of rescue efforts have been focused. Amatrice was one of the worst-hit areas in Italy.

Despite being trapped for more than a week, Romeo enthusiastically met his rescuers and appears to be doing fine.

And Vigili del Fuoco has rescued even more little creatures. The service found a cat five days after the quake and rescued a bird on Thursday.

At least 290 people are known to have died in the quake, and cleanup efforts have only just begun.

Amid the cleanup, authorities are investigating property owners for building code violations.

They say they believe alterations made to century-old structures might not have complied with seismic standards, so the quakes might have caused more damage than they should have.