Science and Tech


Donald Trump's Meeting With Tech Leaders Could Get Kind Of Awkward

Top executives from Facebook, Apple, Amazon and other companies are expected to convene at Trump Tower in New York for the session.

President-elect Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with some of the tech industry's biggest leaders. And things could get kind of awkward.

Top executives from Facebook, Apple, Amazon and other companies are expected to convene at Trump Tower in New York Wednesday afternoon. 

But several sources told ReCode Trump's camp had a hard time convincing those heavy hitters to attend. His public criticism of the tech industry could be to blame. Take his thoughts on Apple's decision not to help the FBI hack into an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters:

"What I think you ought to do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number," Trump said.

He also lashed out at Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Twitter about her "ego."

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And he hasn't exactly kept his disdain for Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos a secret, either.

"I have respect for Jeff Bezos. But he bought The Washington Post to have political influence. And believe me, if I become president, oh, do they have problems," Trump said.

But it seems the feeling is mutual. For the most part, the tech community didn't support Trump during the presidential election and disagrees with his stance on several issues, including immigration reform and encryption.

According to several reports, jobs and the economy will be on the agenda for Wednesday's meeting. It's unclear what other topics, if any, Trump plans to discuss.