

EPA Confirms Investigation Into Scott Pruitt's Apartment Rental

Specifically, the inspector general confirmed to lawmakers it was looking into Pruitt's $50-a-night apartment rental from a lobbyist couple.

The Environmental Protection Agency's inspector general has opened yet another investigation into agency head Scott Pruitt.

If this story sounds familiar, that's probably because Pruitt is facing nearly a dozen investigations from various government offices, both chambers of Congress and the White House.

Specifically, the inspector general confirmed to lawmakers it was looking into Pruitt's $50-a-night apartment rental from a lobbyist couple. 

Pruitt is also under investigation for spending agency money on first-class travel and security and a $43,000 soundproof phone booth and for his staff management decisions.

Pruitt faced two House panels on Thursday and responded to questions about the spending scandals by saying he wasn't involved in some of the spending and that some stories about him were either exaggerated or made up.

Throughout Pruitt's scandals, he's maintained the support of President Donald Trump. But that may not be the case for much longer; Bloomberg reports the White House has told Republicans to distance themselves from Pruitt.