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EU Energy Companies Make A Major Promise To Curb Coal Use

Energy companies representing almost the entire European Union have promised not to build new coal power plants after 2020.

In a surprise announcement, energy companies representing almost the entire European Union have promised not to build new coal power plants after the year 2020.

National energy companies from every EU nation except Poland and Greece were a part of the announcement Wednesday. 

The move stems from the Paris climate agreement, in which 195 countries vowed to take action to limit global warming.

Coal is a good fossil fuel to start with because it releases the most carbon dioxide. And its toxic pollution travels across Europe. 

But while many clean-energy supporters praised the announcement, some told The Guardian they hope these countries will go further and completely phase out existing coal plants. 

Climate experts say Europe will have to completely shut down its plants by 2030 to meet its goals for limiting climate change.