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Family dog eats $4,000 in cash off the kitchen counter

A Goldendoodle had an expensive appetite when he tried gobbling down $4,000 in cash his dad had set on a table.
Cecil the dog appears next to cash he tried to eat.
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Cecil, a 7-year-old Goldendoodle, was temporarily in the doghouse with his owners for being a thief, and we're not talking about the usual antics with dogs, like swiping a sock from the dryer or some leftover chicken that fell on the floor. This pup had something much more valuable in his sights.

Cecil's owner, Clayton Law of Pittsburgh, had recently withdrawn $4,000 from his and his wife’s savings account to pay contractors for a home improvement project in cash. Then when arriving home, he tossed the envelope on the kitchen counter. Before he could return to put it in a safe place, Law discovered his sneaky pup had gotten to the stash first.

CNN / Instagram / ooolalaw

Law returned to find his cash all over the ground, and Cecil standing nearby. 

His immediate reaction to the chomped cash was to yell to his wife, Carrie, about the canine crime.

“He was shouting, ‘Cecil ate $4,000!'” Carrie Law told The Washington Post. “I ran in, thinking I had to have heard him wrong, but when I saw the mess, there was no doubt. I thought I was going to have a heart attack.”

Reporter Jessica Guay of KDKA shared various photos from the crime scene, showing the shredded bills and the primary suspect, who didn’t look overly concerned about his presumed guilt.

Before the cash grab, Cecil had no criminal record. The Laws told CNN their beloved dog was a good boy who had never previously swiped anything left on the counters, including tempting foods such as steak.

“He wouldn’t touch it because he’s not food-motivated,” Carrie said. “But apparently, he is money-motivated.”

CNN / Instagram / ooolalaw

The Laws noted Cecil left $1,500 shredded on the floor and ate the remaining $2,500.

Once the deed was done, Cecil headed off for a nap, and the family called the vet to make sure the hungry pet would be okay. Fortunately, the doctor said all would be well and to wait and see if devoured dough would reappear. 

And Cecil did start to return to money, albeit in an unpleasant way, via vomit and extra potty trips.

But it was somewhat welcome news to the Laws, as bank officials told them they could exchange any salvaged money with serial numbers for new money. 

The couple washed and taped every bill they could find and recovered all but $500 of the original amount.

“I never thought I’d be able to say I’ve laundered money, but there is apparently a first time for everything,” Carrie told the Post.

Fortunately, almost a month after eating all that cash, Cecil is a healthy and happy dog.

This story was originally published by Marie Rossiter on Simplemost.