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France Pressures Catalonia To Stay Part Of Spain

France's minister of European affairs said Monday if Catalonia declares independence, France won't recognize it as a state.
Posted 7:31 PM, Oct 09, 2017

As Catalonia weighs unilaterally declaring independence from Spain, France is warning the region what it could lose if it walks away from negotiations.

France's minister of European affairs said Monday if Catalonia declares independence, France won't recognize it as a state.

And by extension, Catalonia will automatically be forced out of the European Union.

Spain has a lot to lose with Catalan independence. The region reportedly accounts for nearly 20 percent of Spain's economic output.

But Catalonia also could be in trouble because two-thirds of its exports last year went to EU countries.

So if the region declares independence, Catalonia would likely have to say goodbye to the euro and face higher tarrifs.

Plus, if an independent Catalonia later applied to get into the EU, all member states, including Spain, would have to approve.

France wants the two sides to negotiate. Its European affairs minister said, "This crisis needs to be resolved through dialogue."