

'Ghostbusters 3' Cast To Be Stacked With Female Stars

"Bridemaids" director Paul Feig finally confirmed he'll man the helm of the new "Ghostbusters" reboot and said the cast will "star hilarious women."
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After months of speculation,"Bridemaids" director Paul Feig confirmed he'll man the helm of the new "Ghostbusters" reboot and said he'll be pointing the camera at some of comedy's leading ladies.  

Wednesday, Feig announced via Twitter "Ghostbusters 3" will feature a cast of "hilarious women" who will shoot those familiar laser lassos and stun those apparitions. 

Additionally, Feig said comedy-writing pal Katie Dippold will help him pen the remaining script for the franchise's long-awaited third film.

"Pretty awesome." 

And this isn't their first taste of action comedy together. Feig and Dippold teamed on the 2013 blockbuster "The Heat," starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the making of "Ghostbusters 3" changed course following the death of Harold Ramis — who wrote and starred in the original films.

Ramis and fellow stars Dan Aykroyd and comedy legend Bill Murray were reportedly set to make a cameo in the new film and pass their proton packs on to some Hollywood newcomers but that all changed when Ramis passed away. (Video via Columbia Pictures / "Ghostbusters")

Bill Murray in particular has reportedly been apprehensive about his role in the reboot.

But he recently caught wind of the all-women Ghostbusters plan and told the Toronto Star it was a great idea. He even offered up some casting suggestions. 

"I would go to that movie, and they’d probably have better outfits, too. ... Melissa [McCarthy] would be a spectacular Ghostbuster. And Kristen Wiig is so funny — God, she’s funny! I like this girl Linda Cardellini (Mad Men) a lot. And Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there."

Obviously, McCarthy and Wiig seem like perfect fits for the role — or any member of the "Bridesmaids" cast for that matter — but Feig hasn't done any name dropping just yet. One thing's for sure, they'll have their work cut out for them battling comedic gems like this. 

SPENGLER: "Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light."
VENKMAN: "Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon."

"Ghostbusters 3" is expected to begin shooting sometime next year. Sony has yet to set a release date.

This video contains images from Getty Images.