

Just 10 Changes Got Senate Republicans The Votes To Pass Tax Plan

Republicans announced earlier in the day they had the votes to pass their tax bill. Only Sen. Bob Corker is a "no" vote now.

It took just 10 changes to convince Republican holdouts in the Senate to say they'll vote for the GOP's tax bill.

That's according to Axios, which obtained a list of 10 provisions slated to be amended to the bill.

Those changes include a provision allowing people to deduct up to $10,000 on property tax — an issue pushed by Maine's Sen. Susan Collins.

Also in the bill is a provision raising pass-through deductions from the proposed 17.4 percent to 23 percent — which was an issue both Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and Montana Sen. Steve Daines were concerned about.

As of late Friday, there's only one confirmed "no" vote from a Senate Republican: Sen. Bob Corker says he can't "cast aside [his] fiscal concerns" to vote for the legislation.