

House Democrats Use Social Media To Show House Floor Takeover

The official live stream was turned off by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

House Democrats are sick of inaction on gun control legislation. So they took over the floor with an old-school sit-in. 

As usual, it was broadcasting live on C-SPAN. Until House Speaker Paul Ryan, who controls the House cameras ordered them to be turned off. 

"This is a publicity stunt. They're trying to get you to ask me those questions for publicity's sake. This isn't trying to come up with a solution to a problem; this is trying to get attention," Ryan told CNN

C-SPAN's live floor feed isn't actually controlled by C-SPAN. And House cameras are typically turned off during recess — but usually no one is still on the floor. 

So Dems used social media to show the sit-in. Video and pictures were tweeted along with Periscope and Facebook live streams. 

House speakers have shut out representatives during a protest before.

In 2008, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned off the cameras, the mics and the lights on GOP lawmakers. 

This video includes clips from C-SPANPeriscope / @ScottPetersSD and CNN. Music provided courtesy of APM Music.