

Jared Kushner: 'I Did Not Collude' With The Russian Government

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner says he did not collude with the Russian government to help Donald Trump become president.

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner says he did not collude with the Russian government to help Donald Trump become president.

Kushner, who is also Trump's son-in-law, said in a written statement Monday he only had contact with Russians four times since Trump launched his presidential campaign.

But he insisted that none of those communications were "improper."

The end of his statement read, in part, "I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government."

Kushner's comments came just hours before his closed-door interview with the Senate intelligence committee. NBC News reports Kushner will not be under oath during the interview. 

Kushner is also expected to meet with the House intelligence committee this week.