

Leslie Jones Tackles Racist Twitter Trolls Head On

Since the release of the "Ghostbusters" reboot, the actress has apparently been a lightning rod for racism on Twitter. Now she's fighting back.
Posted 1:33 PM, Jul 19, 2016

"Ghostbusters" actress Leslie Jones is clearly done with ignoring racist Twitter trolls. 

On Monday, Jones addressed the issue head on. The black comedian shared tweet, after tweet, after tweet purportedly from Twitter users targeting her.

She signed off after, saying: "I leave Twitter tonight with tears and a very sad heart.All this cause I did a movie.You can hate the movie but the s*** I got today...wrong."

This is hardly the first time Jones had to address the issue of race related to the "Ghostbusters" film.

Some have criticized Jones's role in the film: She plays an MTA worker and not a scientist like the other Ghostbusters. But Jones, who is the only black actress in the movie of the main four, didn't seem to find anything wrong with it.

"I don't know if it was a race thing or a lady thing, but I'm mad as hell," Patty Tolan [Leslie Jones] said.

Twitter users have been called out for their less-than-acceptable tendencies.

A U.K.-based think tank study found Twitter users send potentially racist tweets about every nine seconds on average.

The "Saturday Night Live" star has addressed racial barriers in the comedy and entertainment industry before.

Jones said on "The View," "The day I saw Whoopi Goldberg on TV, I cried so hard because I kept looking at my daddy and going: 'Oh my god. There's somebody on TV who looks like me! She looks like me!'"

Sony's "Ghostbusters" hasn't been a box office bust, but the reboot opened this past weekend by reeling in an uninspiring $46 million — good for only second place on the charts.

This video includes clips from Sony Pictures / "Ghostbusters" and NBC / "Saturday Night Live" and images from Getty Images.