U.S. NewsCrime


Man Charged For Making, Selling Ammo Used In Las Vegas Massacre

A man who sold ammunition to the Las Vegas shooter has been charged for making and selling that ammo without a license.

Federal prosecutors charged an Arizona man Friday for illegally manufacturing and selling ammo used in the Las Vegas mass shooting. 

Officials said Douglas Haig has been charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition. He didn't have a license to do that, according to officials. Haig told reporters Friday he made no contribution to what the shooter did. He said there was nothing suspicious when he sold the ammo. 

Investigators said they found several types of ammunition in the shooter's hotel room, which included armor-piercing and armor-piercing incendiary ammunition. During the massacre, the shooter fired several incendiary bullets at giant fuel tanks at the Las Vegas airport. Law enforcement told CNN he was trying to cause an explosion. It's not clear if that ammunition is the same ammo Haig sold to the shooter.

Haig could face a maximum penalty of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both. 

The Oct. 1 shooting left 58 people dead and more than 700 injured. Haig has a preliminary hearing set for Feb. 15.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN