

Michael Flynn Is Under Investigation Over Foreign Payment Accusations

The Defense Department's inspector general is investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn has another investigation to worry about. This time, he's being investigated by the Defense Department's inspector general.

The probe, launched earlier this month, was revealed in a letter released Thursday by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

Cummings also released a 2014 letter from the Defense Intelligence Agency to Flynn. It specifically told Flynn he would need congressional approval before accepting payments from a foreign government.

The news comes just two days after Cummings and House Oversight Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz said Flynn might have broken the law when accepting payment from Russian state-run broadcaster RT TV.

Flynn received over $33,000 for a speech he gave for RT in 2015. And in March, he retroactively filed as a foreign agent for more than $500,000 worth of lobbying work he and his firm did for Turkey.

Flynn left the national security adviser position in February — less than a month on the job. He was fired after misleading Vice President Mike Pence about discussions he had with Russian officials.