Science and TechSpace


NASA Is Letting You See What It's Like To Fly Over Pluto

Two years ago, the New Horizons craft journeyed to Pluto, and NASA's still mining its data.

Two years ago, NASA took its first close-up images of Pluto. Now, the space agency is giving us a new view of the distant dwarf planet. 

Using actual images and data from the New Horizons craft, NASA created stunning videos of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon. 

The videos highlight Pluto's incredible surface features, complete with craters, mountains and canyons.

NASA isn't done with New Horizons yet. It's still mining Pluto's data, and the craft is already on its next mission –– flying by an object nearly a billion miles beyond the dwarf planet.  

In January 2019, it's set to reach 2014 MU69 — a long name for a small object in the Kuiper Belt. 

Because the Kuiper Belt gets so little light from the sun, NASA believes MU69 is a frozen snapshot of what that part of the solar system was like when it was born 4.6 billion years ago.