Science and Tech


More Than 14.5M Americans Enrolled In Obamacare Insurance For 2022

Over 18.7 million adults are now covered across 39 states.

The White House says more Americans signed up for theAffordable Care Actcoverage this year than any other year before.

More than 14.5 million people enrolled for 2022. That's a 21% increase from last year.

Additionally, the uninsured rate for the U.S. was 8.9% for the third quarter of 2021, down from 10.3% for the last quarter of 2020.

"We’ve also reached communities that have historically been left behind, with the enrollment rate increasing by 26% for Hispanic Americans and 35% for Black Americans," President Joe Bidensaid in a statement Wednesday.  

Over 18.7 million adults are now covered across 39 states (including the District of Columbia) due to Medicaid expansion, however, 12 states have not expanded, the U.S. government reports.

Former President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act — popularly known as Obamacare —12 years ago, in a $938 billion health care overhaul.