

Mike Pence Calls On Conservatives To Mobilize In CPAC Speech

The vice president touched on a variety of topics, including the military, health insurance and education reform.

Vice President Mike Pence spoke Thursday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference and outlined the Trump administration's wide-ranging plans for the future.

"Men and women of the conservative movement, this is our time," Pence told the crowd.

He touched on a variety of topics, including strengthening the military and reforming education.

"We are going to start off by rebuilding the American military. We will restore the arsenal of democracy," Pence said.

"We'll enact real education reform that gives families more choices," Pence said.

But one of Pence's main points was about the administration's plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

"America's Obamacare nightmare is about to end. ... We are going to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines," Pence said.

Pence also promised to make the Hyde Amendment permanent. The law prevents federal funds from being used to provide abortions. 

The vice president ended his speech by encouraging conservatives to mobilize. He said the best days for America are still on their way.