

White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller Tests Positive For COVID-19

Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller is the latest White House official to test positive for the disease.

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller has tested positive for COVID-19. He's the latest top official in close proximity to President Donald Trump to be diagnosed with the disease. The president, of course, tested positive last week.

Miller confirmed his diagnosis in a statement released on Tuesday. He said he's been "working remotely and self-isolating" but is now "in quarantine."

Miller's wife, Katie Miller, is Vice President Mike Pence's communications director. She tested positive for the coronavirus months ago, but reportedly tested negative before departing with Pence to Utah for Wednesday's vice presidential debate against California Sen. Kamala Harris.

Miller has been the driving force behind President Trump's immigration policies, and has pushed to curb immigration amid the pandemic. Some online critics, though, saw irony in Miller's diagnosis by pointing to then-candidate Trump's remarks about Mexican immigrants in 2015. He said they would bring "tremendous infectious disease" to the U.S.

But now, it seems the disease is spreading fast throughout the White House's West Wing. Other top officials who tested positive for COVID-19 recently include Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, aide Hope Hicks and former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.

For Newsy, I'm Adam Elrashidi.