

President Trump Signs Bill To Reopen The Government For Three Weeks

The president signed a bill to temporarily reopen the government after the longest shutdown in U.S. history.

On Friday night, President Donald Trump signed a bill to reopen the government temporarily.

Earlier that day, the House followed in the Senate's footsteps and approved a short-term deal to fund the government for three weeks. 

However, the deal does not include money for a border wall. President Donald Trump announced the measure would reopen the government until Feb. 15. 

On Thursday President Trump said he had an alternative to fund the wall, but during a press conference Friday, he said he "didn't want to use it at this time." 

The shutdown started on December 22 after President Trump requested funding for a wall in a budget bill and Democrats refused to agree to that. It has since become the longest shutdown in U.S. history and has directly affected more than 800,000 furloughed federal workers.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.