PoliticsForeign Policy


Trump Reportedly Considers Ending Some Hacking Sanctions On Russia

The White House is reportedly considering letting Russian agents back into a compound President Obama kicked them out of in 2016.

The Trump administration is reportedly considering undoing Obama-era punishments imposed on Russia for its alleged election hacking.

This Russian-owned compound in Maryland and another in New York were seized by the government in late December after former President Obama said U.S. intelligence agencies determined Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee.

"Our goal continues to be to send a clear message to Russia, or others, not to do this to us," Obama said at a press conference.

Now, The Washington Post reports federal officials are in talks to let Russian diplomats back into the two compounds. In exchange, the U.S. wants Russia to stop harassing its diplomats in the country and clear up a consulate dispute in St. Petersburg.

In addition to the hacking of the DNC, Russian government employees were being punished for reportedly harassing U.S. officials and hacking U.S. businesses and schools to steal millions of dollars.

An adviser to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the U.S. and Russia haven't come to an agreement, but the two sides are planning to meet in Russia in June.

But if Russians are allowed back in, it may be under new terms. Officials are reportedly discussing revoking diplomatic immunity from the properties, so law enforcement would be able to investigate what was happening inside.