

There Are Signs Of Russian Meddling In Another Major Vote

A London paper reports Russia-based Twitter accounts posted over 45,000 messages within 48 hours during last year's Brexit referendum.
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There are apparent signs of Russian interference in another major vote — this time in the U.K.

The Times, a paper based in London, says research shows Twitter bot and "cyborg" accounts based in Russia posted over 45,000 messages in 48 hours during the Brexit referendum in 2016.

The outlet says Russian activity jumped June 23, the day of the vote, and continued on June 24 before stopping almost entirely. Many of the tweets in question appeared to advocate leaving the European Union, but some encouraged staying.

The Times report comes a little over a day after U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May issued a blunt message to Russia over what she said are attempts to create conflict. May said, "We know what you are doing, and you will not succeed."

The report also comes shortly after the Spanish government said intelligence suggests Russian-based groups spread misinformation on social media before and after Catalonia's independence referendum.