

Schiff Wants To Subpoena Lewandowski Over Russia Investigation

Rep. Adam Schiff threatened to subpoena Corey Lewandowski for not answering questions during his second meeting with the House Intelligence Committee.

For the second time, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski testified before the House Intelligence Committee as part of its Russia investigation. He says he answered all of the committee's "relevant questions" during the closed-door meeting. 

"I think after 12 hours I've done enough," Lewandowski said. 

Nope, says the committee's ranking Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, who now wants to take legal action against Lewandowski to get him to talk. 

"We have requested that he be subpoenaed to return to answer some questions he was unwilling to answer today that were very pertinent to our investigation," Schiff said. 

Such as questions about the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, conversations Lewandowski may have had with President Donald Trump about possibly firing special counsel Robert Mueller, and about a now-infamous meeting at Trump Tower in 2016 involving a Russian lawyer, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and others.