

Scientists Say Audio Of Cuba 'Health Attacks' Could Be Crickets

New research says a sound recording linked to mysterious illnesses in Havana Embassy workers matches the call of a certain cricket.

A team of scientists has a new theory about the source of a sound recording related to mysterious "health attacks" in U.S. Embassy workers in Cuba — and it involves crickets. 

Researchers looked at an audio sample released by The Associated Press that's said to be linked to the incidents. According to their analysis, it matches the sound made by a certain type of cricket native to the Caribbean, not a so-called sonic attack. 

Let's back up. In late 2016, unexplained illnesses began to affect dozens of government employees and family members at the U.S. Embassy in Havana. They suffered symptoms consistent with brain injuries. 

Multiple U.S. agencies, the U.S. military and medical experts have been actively investigating the source of the issue — but so far, there's been no explanation as to who or what might've caused the illnesses.

In December, a group of doctors published a report indicating the victims suffered inner ear damage, and previous research pointed to microwave radiation as a potential culprit. 

While this most recent report alleges that a specific cricket's call is responsible for the sound in the recording, the scientists say their findings don't rule out another type of attack.

It's important to note the cricket hypothesis hasn't been confirmed by the scientific community or the State Department, which is overseeing the inter-agency investigation. 

Cuba has denied any wrongdoing in connection with the mysterious medical symptoms. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.