

Bipartisan Senate Bill Would Double Hurricane Recovery Funding

It would also fund the government through Dec. 8.

The Senate just approved a bill to fund disaster relief for hurricanes Harvey and Irma, raise the debt ceiling and fund the government through Dec. 8. 

The disaster aid package now includes over $15 billion instead of the almost $8 billion approved by the House on Wednesday. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle reportedly worked all night and into Thursday morning to speed up the voting process. 

The bill is now headed to the House where despite some GOP opposition, it's expected to be approved quickly. 

That's because hurricane relief is a top priority. 

If a federal aid package isn't approved soon, the Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA could run out of money as soon as this month

Those opposed wanted to deal with disaster relief and the debt ceiling separately. But President Trump made a deal with Democrats to tackle the issues in one big package. Anyone blocking that deal now would delay hurricane relief and could face serious political consequences.

Trump said he plans to continue working with Democrats in the future, telling reporters Thursday: "I think we will have a different relationship than we've been watching over the last number of years. I hope so." The House will vote on the new package Friday.