Science and Tech


Study: It's What We're NOT Eating That's Killing Us

Turns out, it's not just bad food that's killing us. It's not eating enough GOOD food.
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A global study estimates one out of every five people who die are killed because of their diet.

And the study finds-- it's not just bad food that's killing us; it's not eating enough good food.

The study tracked trends across 195 countries for nearly three decades.

It found 11 million deaths per year are attributable to dietary risk factors.

Researchers looked at 15 different dietary trends like eating too much salt, and not eating enough whole grains or fruit.

Here's what they found.

The top killer is eating too much sodium.

But, surprisingly, the next leading causes of food-related illnesses are not eating enough healthy foods.

In particular, whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds, and vegetables.

There is not a region on the planet that's eating the right mix of foods.