WorldMiddle East


The Syrian Government Has Regained Control Of Its Capital City

The Syrian government announced Monday that its military had driven what it calls "armed terrorists" out of Damascus.

The Syrian government has regained full control of its capital city for the first time in seven years.

According to a statement released Monday, the Syrian military has driven what it calls "armed terrorists" out of the last rebel-held parts of Damascus and surrounding areas.

The statement read in part, "Damascus and its environs and villages and towns are completely safe areas and a threat to terrorism and its sponsors."

There are conflicting reports about what happened, though. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a U.K.-based monitoring group, said the Syrian government made a deal with the remaining militants to leave the area. 

But the government reportedly denied making that deal. Syrian state media reported there was a temporary ceasefire so women, children and the elderly could evacuate. 

Monday's announcement comes after weeks of fighting and heavy casualties in the area.