Science and TechArtificial Intelligence


The 'Seinfeld'-inspired AI show returns to Twitch

"Nothing, Forever" was suspended after the main character reportedly made transphobic comments.
Computer with video player

"Nothing, Forever" is back on Twitch following a temporary ban. 

A new livestream of the artificial intelligence-generated show began airing Wednesday.

The show features characters similar to those in the '90s sitcom "Seinfeld." It's presented in an animation style similar to vintage video games. 

A person types on a computer.

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One of the creators of "Nothing, Forever" said they received a 14-day suspension from Twitch because of what one of the characters said. Larry Feinberg, who is based off Jerry Seinfeld, reportedly made transphobic jokes during a stand-up routine. 

The show's creators say the content from "Nothing, Forever" is generated via machine learning and AI algorithms. 

It runs 24 hours a day, and seven days a week. The creators say the storylines are always brand-new content. 

While the show was on hiatus, its creators said they were working on a moderation tool to make sure similar content isn't generated.