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Ranking Democrat: Whistleblower Has Evidence Against Mike Flynn

Rep. Elijah Cummings said the whistleblower came to him in June.
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A House Democrat says a whistleblower has evidence that former national security adviser Mike Flynn communicated to former business partners that sanctions against Russia would end once Donald Trump took office. 

House Oversight Committee ranking member Elijah Cummings wrote a letter to the committee's chairman, Republican Trey Gowdy. 

Cummings said the whistleblower came to him in June. The whistleblower said on Inauguration Day, a former Flynn business colleague said sanctions against Russia would be "ripped up." He told the whistleblower Flynn said their business venture to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East was "good to go." Cummings said in his letter he believed the whistleblower "to be authentic, credible, and reliable." 

Cummings asked the committee to subpoena the White House for all documents related to Flynn, as well as subpoena Flynn's company and business colleagues.