

Trump's Treasury Secretary Pick Has Deep Ties To Goldman Sachs

Donald Trump's treasury secretary pick not only has deep Wall Street ties, but also represents the opposite of Trump's campaign rhetoric.

Donald Trump's treasury secretary pick is Steve Mnuchin — a veteran of Goldman Sachs and a Wall Street insider, which is odd. 

Mnuchin spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs. When he left in 2002, he had a $46 million stake in the company.

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He then worked for George Soros — another target Trump went after on the campaign trail.

Mnuchin has said he wants to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank, which put more regulations on Wall Street in hopes of avoiding another financial crash. 

So, Wall Street guy. Hedge fund guy. Does that make for a good treasury secretary? 

Well, both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush tapped Goldman execs to lead the Treasury Department, so it's not unprecedented. 

But Trump also made it a point during his campaign to rail against both Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton for supposedly being too cozy with Goldman.