World News


US Says Russia's New Missile System Violates Arms Treaty

The U.S. says Russia must destroy a new cruise missile system that allegedly violates the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

The U.S. says Russia must destroy a new cruise missile system that allegedly violates the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

According to Reuters, U.S. disarmament ambassador Robert Wood made the comment during a United Nations-sponsored conference Monday.

The outlet quotes him as saying Russia's missile system is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads and is "a potent and direct threat to Europe and Asia." And he said it's is a "direct and continuing violation" of the INF pact, which effectively bans land-based nuclear missiles with certain distance ranges.

Later Monday, Russia acknowledged the missile system in question exists, but it denied violating the treaty.

The U.S. is planning to withdraw from the pact in two weeks if Russia doesn't comply with the terms.